About My Galleries

My galleries include photos, artwork and illustrations, and are organised on four pages as follows:

  1. Photos: Travel and History
  2. Photos: Household Energy and Health
  3. Artwork
  4. Maps and Infographics

I use these resources in my articles and publications. All are available for use by others on request.

All photos and artwork © Nigel Bruce, unless otherwise stated.

Tom Bruce cycling through the Casse Deserte on the Col de Izoard, Route des Grades Alpes

Travel and History

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Statues lining the bridge outside the south gate of Angkor Thom, Cambodia
Statues lining the bridge outside the south gate of Angkor Thom, Cambodia


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Statues lining the bridge outside the south gate of Angkor Thom, Cambodia

Maps and Infographics

I have ceated the maps illustarted in these galleries for articles and publications on my travels and adventures. So far, these include my bike ride along the WW1 Western Front and other rides. The maps have been created in MapMaker Version 4. More information on the techniques used for each maps are provdied in the galleries and linked articles, etc.

Infographics are a ‘work in progress’ … examples coming soon