

This page lists a selection of publications which will be added to over time, but is not intended to be comprehensive. I will include a short description of each publication [work in progress].

A full list of my professional work-related publications is listed on my Research Gate profile (see below).

Research and education publications

My peer-reviewed research publications, books, chapters and reports are available on my Research Gate profile, which you can access here.

These cover a range of topics, including:

  • Household energy, air pollution and health
  • Effectiveness of stove and fuel interventions to reduce adverse health effects of household air pollution
  • Policy on the transition to clean household energy, including climate impacts
  • Contributions to WHO Air Quality Guidelines
  • Global Burden of Disease
  • Healthy ageing and healthy cities
  • Visual methods in health research, e.g. PhotoVoice
  • Postgraduate education in public health, epidemiology and statistics


The role of LPG in the transition to clean household energy

Liquefied Petroleum Gas as a Clean Cooking Fuel for Developing Countries: Implications for Climate, Forests, and Affordability (Nigel Bruce, Kristin Aunan and Eva A. Rehfuess). Published by KfW 2017;

LPG as a Clean Cooking Fuel for Developing Countries

Energy Poverty

Health Benefits from Energy Access in LMICs: Mechanisms, Impacts and Policy Opportunities (Nigel Bruce and Chen Ding). In: Energy Poverty: Global Challenges and Local Solutions, Edited by Antoine Halff, Benjamin K, Sovacool and Jon Rozon. OUP 2014.

RESPIRE: Randomised trial of a chimney stove

This paper, published in the Lancet, reports the main findings of the RESPIRE study. This showed that the plancha stove reduced exposure of women and their young children by about 50%, but this was not (quite) enough to show a ‘statistically significant’ effect on the main trial outcome, namely child pneumonia. Interestingly, there was a signifucant impact on severe pneumonia.


Furthermore, analysis of the relationship between level of exposure and risk of pneumonia showed clear evidence of an effect, such that the lower the exposure the lower the risk. This evidnece has contributed to what have neen termed exposure-response functions, which attenpt to decribe the rleationship between exposure to small particuate pollution (PM2.5) and risk fo pneumonia (and other dieases). This was first reported by Rick Burnett and colleagues:

An integrated Risk Function for Estimating the Global Burden of Disease Attributable to Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Exposure

Quantitative Methods for Health Research

Link to book on Wiley website