Environment, Health and Travel Journalism

Stories and images from journeys of exploration and discovery through history, health and the environment

About my website

Environment, Health and Travel Journalism

Stories and images from my journeys of exploration and discovery

About my website

Thank you for visiting my website.

Here you will find articles, photos, illustrations, feature articles and other publications on a range of topics relating to travel, history, health and the environment.

The common theme is stories about people, issues, and places that, through my work and exploration of the world I think are important, fascinating, neglected, or otherwise worthy of our attention.

Travel on foot and by bike offer some of the best opportunities for discovery and learning; these are my favoured means of exploration.

Recent activities and plans …

Energy, health and development: 

The vast majority of schools in Kenya cook food for their pupils and staff in wood-fired kitchens. The resulting smoke exposes cooks to very high levels of air pollution, and permeates throughout the school affecting the whole school population. Check out this piece about my latest video, a documentary film looking at just how bad the situation is for health, the environmetal impacts of the vast quantities of woodfuel being consumed, and the exciting initiatives now underway for converting school kitchens to clean, modern energy such as LPG.

And take a look at my other recent, article and short video about the new air pollution ‘Centre of Excellence’ laboratory at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) in Nairobi. It’s an impressive new resource that will transform prospects for air pollution and health research, and policy evaluation, across sub-Saharan Africa.

And, if you are not convinced that LPG, a fossil fuel, should be playing an important part in Africa’s clean energy transition – at least over the short to medium term – see my piece making at the case for investing in LPG now for clean cooking in Africa, alongside the development of renewables. Comments most welcome!

Adventure, cycling and history:

My story of a 6 day/5 night tour of Cycling UK’s excellent Rebellion Way, a 400 km bikepacking route around Norfolk, ridden in the beautiful warm weather in early September 2023. As there is so much of interest to discover on the Rebellion Way, I posted Part A (Days 1 to 3) first; here is Part B (Days 4 to 6). This blog is written partly from the perspective of older cyclists (like me! – aged 68); we are inevitably slower, but also have priorities that may differ from younger and/or other riders who may be more focused on completing the route quickly.

Climbing the Col de L’Iseran in the French Alps, on La Route des Grandes Alpes

The aim of these stories is to describe the topics, adventures and places in an informative way, and report on how humanity is responding to some of the important social and environmental challenges I am encountering.

Please do get in contact if you would like any more information.

The About page says more about my interests and the activities represented on my website.


Cooking Ugali (maize flower porridge) over a traditional wood stove in rural Kenya

An installation at the Thiepval Franco-British memorial to the Missing of the Somme; each shrouded figure represents one day of the Great War, and the numbers dying in the Somme are recorded on the tiny crosses

The Temple of Angkor Wat, Cambodia, at sunrise

Image Galleries

Photographs and artwork illustrating my journeys