by Nigel | Nov 1, 2024 | Air pollution, Blog Posts, Commentary, Energy, Environment, Health, Health, Sustainable development, Sustainable development
The public in the UK and other developed countries are rightly concerned about the health impacts of air pollution, and our journalists are justified in keeping this topic on the agenda. Our media could so easily use this concern to highlight the massive impact on health, development, and the environment of energy poverty and air pollution from the continuing widespread reliance on solid fuels in the developing world, but are generally failing to do so. This topic, and the key policies and investment required to bring about a rapid, just and effective clean energy transition, need the attention and scrutiny of our best journalists, in the UK, other developed countries, and in the developing nations.
by Nigel | Jun 9, 2024 | Air pollution, Blog Posts, Energy, Environment, Health, Sustainable development
On 14 May 2024, the International Energy Agency hosted a high level Summit on Clean Cooking for Africa. This was potentially the most influential meeting ever held on a negelcted topic that is nevertheless vital for health, development, climate, gender equality, and the nevironment, for almost 1 billion of the world’s poorest people. Read here what was discussed, the concrete actions decided upon, and commentary on whether this initiative is likely to succeed in catalysing clean cooking energy across Africa by 2030.
by Nigel | May 15, 2024 | Air pollution, Blog Posts, Energy, Environment, Health, Sustainable development
An all too common tragedy Most Kenyans could tell you a story of a relative, friend, or acquaintance who has died from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. In our new documentary film, published on the occasion of the historic International Energy Agency Summit on Clean...
by Nigel | Oct 19, 2023 | Air pollution, Blog Posts, Energy, Environment, Health, Sustainable development
Africa is lagging behind in achieving SDG-7 The UN’s Sustainable Development Goal-7 (SDG-7) sets the ambitious goal of affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all, by 2030’. The importance of this for health, development and protection of the...
by Nigel | Oct 11, 2022 | Air pollution, Blog Posts, Energy, Environment, Health, Sustainable development
If Africa is to meet its SDG-7 targets for clean, modern energy by 2030, and its people reap the health and development benefits, investment in LPG and other clean household fuels needs to be made now.
by Nigel | Aug 4, 2020 | Air pollution, Blog Posts, Commentary, Energy, Environment, Health, Ideas in Development, Sustainable development
I am planning a short commentary on the recent IEA Report ‘Sustainable Recovery’, published in June 2020. This will highlight the main findings on the impact of Covid-19 and the proposals for investment in the energy sector in low-income countries over the...